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May 28, 2012

There's a Hole in My Bucket List!

Since I posted last a few years ago, I've seen the movie, The Bucket List.  I had this unspoken pressure to develop my own list but the thought of making a list of things to do before I die was a little more than depressing!  I would like to see the aurora borealis, cherry blossoms in Washington D.C., write a book, learn Spanish, weigh 120 again, and a few other things.  But at 64, I've had plenty of time to do this stuff and nothing's happened yet...makes me wonder how important these things really are to me.  Along the way, some cool things have happened that have brought me much joy and made precious memories for me.  One in particular is meeting and getting to know the gentleman pictured with me.  I'd like to introduce you to Glenn McDuffie, the Kissing Sailor from Times Square, VJ Day 1944.   I know, there's a book out and blah, blah, blah.  Mr. McDuffie, however has been forensically identified as the man in the famous picture by the top forensic artist with the Houston Police Dept., Lois Gibson and has passed every lie detector test ever given (a couple by F. Lee Bailey)!!  I'm hoping to see him again this year and you bet I will keep you posted.  In the meantime, I'm happy with the serendipity trails I'm following and the wonderful people I'm meeting.  And I think he's cuter than a cherry blossom!


...BonneyJo said...

A bucket list used to be called a list of Goals. I prefer that term and the Aurora Borealis is on my list, too. Maybe we can go together. And remember that even though you might have a list, it doesn't exclude the little extras in life like a special kiss.

...BonneyJo said...

A bucket list used to be called a list of Goals. I prefer that term and the Aurora Borealis is on my list, too. Maybe we can go together. And remember that even though you might have a list, it doesn't exclude the little extras in life like a special kiss.