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March 23, 2006

Things That Go Bump...

I'm not so naive that I don't understand that Hollywood starts most of the trends we follow in America. Ladies wore their hair over one eye to imitate Veronica Lake (by the way, once she cut her hair, her star status began to fade). Everyone wore shoulder pads ala Joan Crawford and I still like that look. We saw guys wear tee shirts with their cigarettes rolled into the sleeves like James Dean and pompadours were popular thanks to The King.

The current trend I see in my trashy mags is my new pet peeve for the day. It's the obnoxious reference to pregnant movie stars as having or showing a "baby bump." Variations to "the bump" appear daily on websites, magazines and in entertainment news being spoken by seemingly intelligent people. Having carried children, I can assure you that "bump" is a stupid term for the appearance and the feeling of carrying around an extra 20 to 30 pounds. A "bump" is a mosquito bite, a zit, a rash, a measle, or a road obstacle...but certainly not a baby!!

C'mon Hollywood and everyone else who uses this ignorant term...just stop it! It's demeaning to the mama and the baby. And it's passe. Drop it already!! There ~ I feel much better!


Anonymous said...

I am with you on this one.

...BonneyJo said...

I agree that my 8 pound girl could never be considered a "bump" when attached to the human form. My first justification for this statement is that a bump doesn't kick your ribs until they feel like they're broken. Also, a bump doesn't change positions.

It had to be a man who came up with that term!

Hoots Musings said...

I am sick too of protruding belly buttons and skin tight clothes by the pregger set.

I totally agree!