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March 10, 2006

Drawing a Bead on Spring Breakers

I have to laugh. This morning Baby Sis and I changed our regular morning walking route and walked home on the main drag of Padre Blvd instead of the quieter Gulf Blvd. The time was about 8:10 a.m. and we were solving the problems that we didn't get to on yesterday's walk. From out of nowhere comes this black car full of young boys who seemed awfully full of piss and vinegar for that hour of the morning. They were hooting and hollering at us like we were some kind of wonderful. The thought ran through my head to flash them and see if they threw any beads at us. Blessedly the thought exited my brain before I had a chance to act on it. Wouldn't that have set those boys back a few years??

Then, at lunch, we were at one of our favorite places trying to eat before the spring breakers woke up and jammed the place. They were playing Beach Boys music pretty loud for the crowd that was there at the time. The owners had an area set up outside and a big sign that noted there was no cover charge and you could eat until 2:00 a.m. I don't think my crowd was their target. You know what happens when we try to eat at 2:00 a.m., assuming we're even awake! At any rate, once we got our tea, we're looking around the inside of the restaurant and saw an even bigger sign promoting tonite's panties contest. I asked what you had to do to enter and was told that you just have to pin your panties to this big board they had. I asked if Depends counted and they laughed...nervously.

In truth, you KNOW I'm not going to flash young boys for beads or pin my panties anywhere but on a clothesline. Still, it's nice to be asked!

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