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November 1, 2005

Sincere, Seasonal Schmaltz

Be warned, I'm feeling Thanksgiving-ish!
I was watching my roof leak from the rain we had last night. We really need to get that fixed. As I was mentally griping about the sorry state of my roof, it occured to me that at least my problem was a fixable one. Enlarging on that theme, I began to think about all of my current problems and annoyances, and I can fix them if and when I get motivated to fix them. My roof, my weight, my finances, even my attitudes! They can all be fixed. It put a new spin on my outlook.
Years ago, a family friend was saying the blessing at mealtime and she thanked God for everything they had...and everything they didn't have. I thought about the guy who cut me off and then slowed down in front of me. As I muttered under my breath, we passed a motorcycle cop, in a school zone, that would have nailed me for sure. I'm grateful. I don't have any of the weird viruses going around, my home wasn't flooded, I didn't go through a divorce and I'm seldom more that 14 days away from another paycheck. I'm grateful. My husband still choses to live with me, my children call and check up on me, I have friends who would worry if they didn't hear from me on a regular basis. I'm grateful.
To top all of this off, I'll be eating turkey and dressing in a few weeks. I'm VERY grateful!!

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