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August 18, 2005

Okay, I hope there is someone out there who loves me enough to tell me when I don't look good. Now, before I open the floodgate to criticism, let me tell you what I'm talking about.
Last night I happened to catch some of Farrah Fawcett's interview on David Letterman's Late Show. That poor, poor creature. Remember her as one of Charlie's Angels? Remember how everyone with long hair started billowing it out like she did? Remember how great she looked with Ryan O'Neal on her arm? What happened???!!! She wore a black sleeveless dress. Her little arms were skinny and flabby. Her face was almost comic book proportioned. I don't know if she was high or not...I kinda hope so because she was pretty flaky and I'd like to think there was a reason for it. I know she's gone through some rough times. That's not what my point is today though.
She looked terrible. Someone, maybe her mom or a sister, should take her aside and let her know that growing older isn't a sin. Shifting body mass isn't a crime, but you might not want to show your weaker points off on national television. A good friend could mention that no more surgery is needed and if she IS doing something to blow her mind, she should stop.
Maybe she needs my friend. I won't reveal her name, SHE knows who she is. After nagging me once to join her at an exercise class, she looked at me in my cute (I thought) leotard with matching tights and leggings and said, "You don't look as bad in that as I thought you would!" Only a friend will tell you that. I got the hint and wore shorts the next time out. I've also worked with good friends who love me enough to tell me my slip is showing, there's something on my teeth, or hand me a mint if necessary. I have sisters who'll be honest whether I want to listen or not. I've had pastors, teachers, and parents who didn't back away from truth that I needed to hear. I love people who love me enough to help me present myself in the best light.
Honesty is supposedly the best policy. My mother used to tell us that we could tell her anything as long as we had a smile on our faces. I think the lesson is really that you should have a relationship with the person that allows you to speak into their life or vice versa. I've had to hear some hard things over the years, but knowing that I was being instructed or corrected or guided by someone who loved me and had my best interest at heart was the sugar that made the medicine go down. There's a scripture in the Old Testament that says, "Iron sharpens iron." Sometimes we have to hear hard things so that our situations, our bodies, our spirits become stronger.
If you don't have a friend like that in your life now, get one!


Anonymous said...

You definately do make a person stop and think....I just knew you'd be good at this blogging thing!

Hoots Musings said...

Granna you are very articulate.
I like reading your posts and this one was so GOOD!

I walked out of my slip one day when I was working at school. I felt something around my ankles and lo and behold, it was my elasticless slip. I simply swooped it up and acted like nothing happend. Only a few years later did one of my students moms tell me how funny it was and how their family laughs about my plight.

Oh well..some day I will blog about mooning the entire airplane on the way back from the restroom.


CottonSr said...

Kathy had a friend in Goliad that was a cheerleader at Corpus Christi Ray with Farah Fawcett. So, every once in a while she still sees her and commented a couple of years ago what a flake Farah was.

I don't know what made her such. In the case of Marilyn Monroe she had huge, severe emotional problems and self doubts. Her grandmother was mentally ill and tried to smother Marilyn, Norma Jean Baker then, with a pillow when she was only six months old. Also her father rejected her, ran off on her when she was a child, and never acknowledged her even when she was famous, even after Marilyn looked him up needing still his acceptance.

I have no idea if Farah Fawcett has any 'good' excuses like that. And this plastic surgery crap happens with them all anymore though. They are all so ugly, I mean ugly, because of it. No one likes to lose their looks, but they're lost anyway. Might as well have a little self-respect rather than ego. It's almost a one on one ratio between the outcomes too. It shows. Man, it really shows.